In 2009 Sun Foundation started Angels of Sun, a project to promote education among children from extremely poor and destitute families. Primary objective of AOS is to provide support to children who, on account of difficult family circumstances, may never have access to proper education and opportunity to grow up as valuable members of society.
Under this scheme the children, both boys and girls, are paid a stipend of about Rs. 600 per month for meeting expenses on account of school fees, books, school uniform etc. The children are given financial support upto class 12. Their attendance in school and performance is closely monitored and stipend paid only to children who are regular in their studies.
In addition to the AOS project, Sun Foundation has been providing financial support to poor college students. The Foundation gave a donation of Rs. 1,20,000 to five rural and poor students for continuing their engineering studies in Punjabi University in 2004-05 and 2005-06. Sun Foundation also supported ASMAN, Nepal by giving a donation of RS. 1,25,000 in 2012 for education of fifty girl students for one year in Mary Ward School.